Part exchanging your old vehicle for a new one is a great way to avoid the hassle of selling your vehicle privately. We always do our best to get you the best price we can in part exchange.
Unlike other retailers, our team of managers will always evaluate your vehicle personally to come to an agreeable figure. We offer estimates over the internet, but as no two vehicles are the same, we can't give accurate valuations without viewing your vehicle in person.
To get the best possible price for your part exchange, follow our tips below:
Service Book - Make sure you bring along your vehicle's service book along with any receipts for work carried out. A vehicle that has been looked after and serviced according to the manufacturer's recommendations is likely to be worth more.
Paperwork - Make sure you bring along all the paperwork for your vehicle, including MOT certificates and the V5C document.
Spring Clean - Make sure your vehicle has had a good clean on the inside and out and is looking its best.
Whether you are looking to sell or part exchange your vehicle, contact us for a valuation.